Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kreek's Go Kart

About a year and a half ago, Kreek was talking to Tim and told him that he wanted a go-kart. Tim told him that if he would save half that we would match it and he could buy a go-kart. Since that day he has not spent a dime. He went on dayworking jobs with Tim and worked for us around the house. He also made money from making good grades. After every $100 he made he would give the church $10. Toward the end he just wanted to go ahead and prepay God up to $500 so when he made it to his goal that would be it. We thought that was pretty funny. So about a couple of weeks ago he had saved $500. Tim and I found a go-kart on the internet and purchased it without him knowing. One afternoon after school a big truck showed up at the house and delivered this.

PawPaw and Nana showed up and about 4 hours later this was the end result.

We have had it for about 2 weeks and have had nothing but heck with it. We have had to order a new part and maybe we will get it going again. But he loves it.

Kreek's 3rd party

We decided to let Kreek have a real birthday party with friends and not just family. He decided he wanted to invite Asher, Addison, and Orin from Iraan. He said that he gets to see his friends from Eldorado everyday and he hardly ever gets to see these friends. I picked all the boys up in Iraan on Saturday morning and we headed to Eldorado. The weather was horrible and it rained all day, but the boys had fun. Of course, PawPaw, Nana, Dave, Stef, Avery, Coy, Tommy, Rita, Rowdy, Jennifer, and Connor were also there.

Kreek wanted a cowboy theme and Stef made this beautiful cake.

Kreek had to light his own candles.

Blowing them out.

Opening his presents.

Hitting the pinata.

Silly Uncle Dave wore the pinata

We built a fire and roasted hot dogs for supper. Then they all roasted marshmellows and made smores. We had 2 blowup mattresses and they all had a campout in the living room.

Connor also spent the night with us for the first time.
The next morning we made it to Sheffield for church and that was it.
Kreek had a blast and can't wait for next year.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kreek's 2nd party & Mountians

So Kreek's 2nd Birthday party was over Labor Day with my side of the family. My parents own a place in Cloudcroft, NM and we try to go every year over Labor Day Weekend. Since Tim is feeding calves, the kids and I decided to make the 7 hour drive by ourselves. I have never drived that far by myself and I was a little nervous. Tim always drives and I always sleep. To make matters worse, I woke up that Friday and felt horrible. I had a bad sinus headache and body ache, but I took my trusty Garmin GPS and headed for the mountains anyway. I will admit that about halfway there I called Tim crying because I felt terrible and just wanted to be in my bed asleep. We finally made it and I started feeling better the next morning and we ended up having a great weekend. It only rained one afternoon and it was not too cold.

Kreek's cake

Blowing out his candle

Showing off his presents (he wanted lots of money and boy did he get it)

Sitting around the campfire

Kreek was my driver on the 4-wheeler all weekend.

Baby Ty loved to ride on the 4-wheeler. He would look at Grumpy, point to the 4-wheeler and say Go. And of course my dad said ok.

My borther, Tyson, with his son, Ty, and my cousin Colby with Kaegen

Kaegen loved the water falls and playing in the water. The bridge in the picture above is a trail for the 4-wheelers to go over this water.

Kids, Uncle Tyson and Ty on new bridge

Ty's new facial expression

We had a great trip to the mountains and can't wait to go back.

Kreek's 1st Birthday Party

Well, first of all our (well Tim's) feeding program is off and running. We officially have begun making our own feed and are feeding about 100 calves. It has been very eventful. Tim has got his work cut out for him, but as he said, "If it was easy everyone would be doing it." I have been fairly busy substituting and I have decided to go thru the Region Center and get alternative certification for teaching. So hopefully by next year, I can be a teacher.
Kreek birthday was Sunday, August 30th. We decided to go out to eat on Saturday whereever Kreek wanted to go. It was us 4 and Nana and we headed to Bonsai Garden in San Angelo.
Here he is eating the delicious soup.
The cook is fixing to get started.
If it is your birthday, you get to make a wish and bang on the gong.
Then you get cheesecake.
More to come on Birthday Party #2 and Party #3, Kreek's new play toy and Homecoming in Eldorado.